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Rare earth

AFP 6/20/2011 8:48:03 AM
Prices of rare earths have skyrocketed this year as China moves to consolidate the sector in order to tighten its grip over the highly coveted minerals used in high-tech products, analysts said on Monday.
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AFP Rare earth prices surge as China tightens grip

6/20/2011 8:48:03 AM GMT
Prices of rare earths have skyrocketed this year as China moves to consolidate the sector in order to tighten its grip over the highly coveted minerals used in high-tech products, analysts said on Monday.

BBC VIDEO: Rare earth: China's new gold rush

6/15/2011 5:21:00 AM GMT
What are rare earths, why are they so valuable and how did China end up taking control of 97% of the world's supply?

AFP China's Chinalco sets up rare earths processing firm

6/8/2011 2:15:01 AM GMT
Chinalco, China's largest alumina producer, has set up a company in the country's east that will separate highly profitable rare earths from crude ores, a spokesman said Wednesday.

BBC China in rare earth restructuring

6/7/2011 11:11:04 PM GMT

Xinhua China's Inner Mongolia to restructure rare earth industry

6/2/2011 9:49:05 PM GMT
Authorities in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Friday ordered the restructuring of the region's rare earth industry in order to ensure that it will grow sustainable.

AFP China strengthens grip over rare earths market

5/19/2011 10:28:03 PM GMT
China has further tightened its grip on the rare earths market, raising taxes on the minerals vital to high-tech industry and banning new projects to produce the metals via separation.

BBC China tightens grip on rare earth

5/19/2011 6:07:01 PM GMT
China expands export quotas of rare earth metals, further tightening its grip on the minerals used in a number of high-tech electronics.

Xinhua China issues guideline to promote healthy development of rare earth industry

5/19/2011 3:59:05 AM GMT
China's State Council, the cabinet, on Thursday issued a national guideline that aims to promote sustainable and healthy development of the country's rare earth industry.

AFP China pays price for world's rare earths addiction

4/30/2011 10:17:03 PM GMT
Peasant farmer Wang Tao used to grow corn, potatoes and wheat within a stone's throw of a dumping ground for rare earths waste until toxic chemicals leaked into the water supply and poisoned his land.

Xinhua China to impose rare earth resource tax

3/24/2011 2:38:01 AM GMT
China will impose a tax on rare earth minerals starting April 1, according to a statement issued jointly by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation to rare earth producers.

Reuters China rare earth prices explode as export volumes collapse

3/21/2011 11:31:04 PM GMT
China's exports of rare earth metals burst through the $100,000-per-tonne mark for the first time in February, up almost ninefold from a year before, while the volume of trade stayed far below historical averages.

Telegraph Rare earths: why China is cutting exports crucial to Western technologies

3/16/2011 4:15:04 AM GMT
The key to hundreds of modern technologies, from iPhones to smart-bombs, lies in the little-known rare earth metals, 95 per cent of which are mined by China. Its decision to slash exports has left the West scrabbling for alternative supplies

Reuters Senators urge pressure on China over rare earths

3/15/2011 7:22:03 AM GMT
Two senators on Tuesday urged President Barack Obama's administration "to step up its fight against China's hoarding of critical rare earth elements" by blocking funding for Chinese mining projects.

AFP US Senators urge action against China on rare earth

3/14/2011 6:31:05 PM GMT
Two US Senators urged the White House late Monday to block Chinese mining projects in the United States and elsewhere until Beijing loosens its grip on the trade in so-called rare earths minerals.

New York Times Malaysia Gambles on Processing Rare Earths

3/8/2011 12:03:01 AM GMT
An Australian mining firm building the rare earth plant hopes to provide a safe environment, fill global demand and reap financial rewards.
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