Chinese vice premier meets Britain's Labor party leader

 Published: 1/11/2011 1:59:00 PM GMT
Xinhua Original Cached

LONDON, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday met here with Britain's Labor Party Leader Ed Miliband.

Li praised the Labor Party for pursuing a positive China policy and contributing to the development of Sino-British relations.

The Labor Party has made great contributions to the development of bilateral ties, Li said. During the previous Labor government, the two countries established the Sino-British comprehensive strategic partnership, made great progress on issues of common concern, promoted sustained economic and trade exchanges, and deepened dialogue and cooperation in various fields.

Li expressed hope that the Labor Party will continue to enhance bilateral cooperation and communication, and play an active role in promoting a long-lasting, stable and sound relationship between the two countries.

For his part, Miliband spoke highly of China's achievement and contribution to world economic growth, saying that his party attaches importance to relations with China and supports the British government's policy to develop strong British-Sino relations.

Both sides also exchanged views on global and regional issues such as the international economic situation and climate change.


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